Phonics screen tests
In England children would normally do a phonics screen test in Year 1 and possibly Year 2 and this video gives you more information about the process.
I am writing this in September 2020 and the current Year 2 children have not done the test in the summer term due to lockdown however it is proposed at the time of writing this, that children in Year 2 will take the missed test in autumn 2020. The information here will give you an idea how well your child could be doing and if she or he will need some extra support, in which case this and the extended course will show you how to actively support your child. I would also suggest for you to talk to your child's teacher about his or her reading ability and if you are happy then that is great, however if you are less confident you might like to look at this introduction and extended course.
I have added the phonics screening test from 2019 in the next part of this course as an example, you can also find these if you google phonics screen test and get other years too.