Has your child discovered the joy of reading?

Children love to hear you read stories to them and when they become competent and confident readers they enjoy reading for themselves, whether a fantasy story or information about for example dinosaurs or diggers.

They love sharing books and making sense of the symbols we know as letters to become part of that wonderful world of reading and creating stories. Has your child discovered this yet or would you like to help him or her read and write but you are not sure where to start, what to do next, what to look out for, what strategies may be useful.

Here is an introduction guide that will answer these questions and show you in a step by step method how you can unlock the mystery of letters and sounds for your child.

How can I help you?

I am a teacher with over 20 years of experience in schools and I am putting the wealth of my knowledge of how reading and spelling is taught into an easy-to-follow guide for you to use.

You will become more confident in teaching by finding ways of helping your child decode letters so they make sense.

You will have useful resources to help you know what sounds to teach, strategies to use, which words will go well with which sounds, what to teach next, what to look out for and other information that will help you be more confident about teaching your child as a parent or carer.

You will understand how many children in England are taught phonics - how to decode letters - to read them as words rather than random symbols on a page and to begin to spell more accurately.

This introduction course is a aimed at parents and carers of children in Year 1, however if your child is struggling with their reading and is in another year then please have a look.

I shall follow this 'taster introduction' course up with a more comprehensive course to cover all the phonics material they will need in Year 1 and from when children start putting letters and sounds together which would normally start in Reception in England.

My aim is to also do a course for the pre-reading skills for parents and carers of nursery and pre-nursery children as it is really important to learn strategies so that your child can tune in and discriminate sounds accurately before they begin to start learning about the decoding process.

All these courses follow how I and many other teachers would teach your child to read in England. I have put this in an easy to use, day by day comprehensive guide for you to either follow if you want to do the whole program or dip in if you know there are some gaps in your child's understanding of decoding. I will show you how to assess so you know exactly what to concentrate on and where to find the resources and activities to teach those specific sounds your child is struggling with.

So have a look out for these courses and see if I have published them if you are interested.

Thank you

Writing a story together.

Working with a friend.

Making up a story together, bouncing ideas of each other - is it funny, scary, happy?

Are there monsters or aliens?

Using our spelling skills to write this down so others can read it too and it is there forever!

Having a quiet moment alone.

Looking at books

Being fascinated and trying to figure out how these funny squiggles on the page work.

What do they mean?

They are very pretty but I wish I know more about them.

Being totally absorbed.

Reading for pleasure

Being so immersed that we forget the world around us, whether it is finding out information or living in the fantasy world of the story we are reading

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As you can see I am a 'more mature' person who loves having fun like canoeing with friends, walking on the beach, having a coffee and sightseeing.

But I love teaching too! And I have had the privilege of teaching many, many wonderful children. Thank you if you are one of them and happen to see this.

I may not be super glamourous but that is ok as good looks won't make this course any better. I know how to teach, what works and also the pressure you are under as a busy parent trying to do your best for your child so that he or she can achieve their full potential.

You can find out more about my credentials and why I am the right person for giving you advice from my biography.

I don't want you to see this course as an onerous task but as an exciting time you can share with your child teaching and learning together.

My own children are now grown up and looking back when they were the age your child is now so anywhere from 3-8 years , well I found them the best times ever. So please enjoy this wonderful time together, once this is gone you can't go back to this fascinating age as we haven't yet got a time machine!